Chair: Imen Grida Ben Yahia (Orange Labs, France). Imen is currently with Orange Labs, France, as a Research Project Leader on Autonomic & Cognitive Management. She received her PhD degree in Telecommunication Networks from Pierre et Marie Curie University in conjunction with Telecom SudParis in 2008. Her current research interests are autonomic and cognitive management for software and programmable networks that include machine learning, for SLA and fault management, knowledge and abstraction for management operations, intent- and policy-based management and code mining and Text mining for network configuration file generations. Imen is currently leading the Network Intelligence Initiative within the IEEE COMSOC Framework. In Orange, Imen is selected as Orange Expert in the Network Future community. She contributed to several European research projects like Servery, FP7 UniverSelf, the H2020 CogNet and currently the 5G SliceNet. Imen authored several scientific conference and journal papers in those research domains. She gave speeches and talks in different conferences on the topic of Network Intelligence.


Vice Chair: Mohamed Faten Zhani (École de Technologie Supérieure, Canada). Faten is an associate professor with the department of software and IT engineering at l’École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS Montreal) in Canada. His research interests include cloud computing, network function virtualization, software-defined networking and resource management in large-scale distributed systems. Faten has co-authored several book chapters and research papers published in renowned conferences and journals including IEEE/IFIP IM/NOMS, IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE transactions on cloud computing and IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC). He served as the general or technical program chair for several international workshops and conferences. He is also associate editor of Wiley international journal of network management. He is co-founder and vice-chair of the IEEE Network Intelligence Emerging Technology Initiative and a cluster lead at the IEEE P1916.1 SDN/NFV Performance standard group. Faten recently received the IEEE/IFIP IM 2017 Young Researchers and Professionals Award as a recognition for outstanding research contribution and leadership in the field of network and service management. Web page :


Technical Program Chair: Noura Limam (University of Waterloo, Canada). Noura received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the University Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris VI, in 2002 and 2007, respectively. She is currently a research assistant professor of computer science at the University of Waterloo, Canada. Formerly, she was a research fellow at POSTECH, South Korea and researcher at Ucopia Communications Inc., France. She received the IEEE Communications Society Fred W. Ellersick Prize in 2008. Noura Limam is on the technical program committee and organization committee of several IEEE conferences. She recently co-chaired the technical program committee of IEEE CloudNet 2015. Her contributions are in the area of service management and service engineering. Her current research interests are in distributed sensing in large settings and network optimization.


Standards Liaison: Laurent Ciavaglia (Nokia Bell Labs, France). Laurent works at Nokia Bell Labs in Paris, France inventing new technologies for networks, turning concepts into real-life innovations. Recently, he is having fun (and some headaches) trying to combine network management and artificial intelligence. Laurent has been involved in and led several European research projects such as UNIVERSELF, developing a unified management framework for autonomic network functions. Laurent serves as co-chair of the IRTF Network Management Research Group (NRMG), and participates in IETF, essentially in the OPS area. Previously, he was vice-chair of the ETSI ISG on Autonomics for Future Internet (AFI), working on the definition of standards for self-managing networks. Laurent has been recently appointed Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE SDN initiative Softwarization newsletter, and acts as Standards Liaison Officer for the IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Autonomic Communications (TCAC).


Secretary: Weverton Cordeiro (UFRGS, Brazil). Weverton is an Assistant Professor at INF/UFRGS (since 2017), and CNPq-Brazil Research Fellow (PQ-2). He holds a PhD degree in Computer Science (UFRGS, 2014). His research is broadly focused on software defined networking, network function virtualization, programmable forwarding planes, and network security. He has been publishing his work in high-impact journals and conferences, like IEEE TNSM, Elsevier ComNet, Springer JNSM, IEEE/IFIP NOMS & IM, and USENIX. He has a history of participation in several research communities, characterized by: (i) PC and/or OC member service for ACM SIGCOMM, Brazilian SBRC, IFIP/IEEE CNSM and IFIP/IEEE NOMS & IM, and (ii) major awards and distinctions, including Microsoft Research Latin American Ph.D. Fellowship (2011), and invitation for Dagstuhl Seminar (2014). He works as Editor-in-Chief of Brazilian Electronic Journal of Scientific Initiation in Computing. He is also Guest Editor of a Special Issue on networking security for Wiley IJNM. He coordinated and/or participated in projects with funding/support from CNPq (Brazil), Microsoft Research (USA), National Science Foundation (USA), and RNP (Brazil). Web page: