With Deadlines
- 1st International workshop on Edge Network Softwarization (ENS), co-located with IEEE Netsoft 2022 (Submission deadline: March 21, 2022 FIRM)
- 4th International Workshop on Network Intelligence (NI 2022) (Submission deadline: 21 March 2022)
Continuous Calls
- IEEE ComMag Series on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence for Communications
- IEEE ComMag Series on Telecom Software, Network Virtualization, and Software Defined Networks
- IEEE Softwarization Newsletters
Past Calls
- 2nd IEEE/IFIP International workshop on Fully-Flexible Internet Architectures and Protocols for the Next-Generation Tactile Internet (FlexNGIA), collocated with IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2022
- 1st International workshop on Technologies for Network Twins (TNT), collocated with IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2022
- Elsevier Computer Communications, Special Issue on “Edge Intelligence for 6G Networks”
- 2nd KuVS Fachgespräch “Machine Learning and Networking”
- MDPI Sensors Special Issue: “AI-Enabled Cognitive Radio Networks”
- Int’l Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in the IoT Security Services
- WAIN – Workshop on AI in Networks and Distributed Systems
- MDPI Electronics SI “AI Applications in IoT and Mobile Wireless Networks”
- ACM Transactions on Internet Technology – SI on Edge-AI for Connected Living
- JNSM – Springer SI on Cybersecurity Management in the era of AI
- MDPI Electronics SI on AI/ML Techniques for Intelligent IoT Systems
- WILEY Internet Technology Letters SI on Deep Learning for Future Smart Cities
- 2nd IEEE Int’l Workshop on Harnessing the Data Revolution in Networking
- IEEE GLOBECOM Workshop on Intelligent Fog and Edge Infrastructures for Future Wireless Systems
- IEEE TNSM – SI on Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Network and Service Management
- 10th International Workshop on Security, Privacy, Trust, and Machine Learning for IoT
- The Second International Workshop on Network Meets Intelligent Computations (NMIC) 2020
- Workshop on Machine Learning in Softwarized Networks 2020
- JNSM Special Issue: Intelligent and Trustworthy Internet Edge
- IEEE Tran. on Network Science and Engineering – SI on Smart Systems and Intelligent Networking Powered with Big Data Analytics
- IEEE ACCESS SI – Communication and Fog/Edge Computing Towards Intelligent Connected Vehicles (ICVs)
- IEEE JSAC Special issue on Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Networking
- IEEE Internet of Things Journal – SI on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Emerging IoT Systems
- [ACM CoNEXT 2019 – Big-DAMA] 3rd Workshop on Big DAta, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Data Communication Networks
- Second IFIP International Conference on Machine Learning for Networking (MLN 2019)
- Machine Learning for Communications and Networking Symposium
- 2nd GLOBECOM Int’l Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Big Data Towards Trustworthy IoT
- IEEE Network Magazine – Special Issue on Big Data Intelligent Networking
- Special Issue of IEEE Network Magazine on Cyber Security based on Artificial Intelligence for Cyber-Physical Systems
- Workshop on Machine Learning for Communications (WMLC 2019)
- 2nd International Workshop on Network Intelligence (NI 2019)
- IEEE ICC 2019 First International Workshop on Data Driven Intelligence for Networks and Systems (DDINS)
- Special Issue of IEEE TNSM on Novel Techniques in Big Data Analytics for Management
- 4th IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Analytics for Network and Service Management
- 1st International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques for Enhanced Network Management
- WAIN – Workshop on AI in Networks @ PERFORMANCE 2018 (Toulouse, France)
- IEEE Network SI on Intelligent Network Assisted by Cognitive Computing and Machine Learning
- 1st International Conference on Machine Learning for Networking (Paris, France)
- 1st International Workshop on Network Intelligence (NI 2018)